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SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 44, Issue 3, pp. 897-1350

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Numerical Cubature Using Error-Correcting Codes

Greg Kuperberg

pp. 897-907

Numerical Cubature from Archimedes' Hat-box Theorem

Greg Kuperberg

pp. 908-935

How Data Dependent is a Nonlinear Subdivision Scheme? A Case Study Based on Convexity Preserving Subdivision

Thomas Pok-Yin Yu

pp. 936-948

A Posteriori Error Estimations of Some Cell Centered Finite Volume Methods for Diffusion-Convection-Reaction Problems

Serge Nicaise

pp. 949-978

Discrete Compactness for the hp Version of Rectangular Edge Finite Elements

Daniele Boffi, Martin Costabel, Monique Dauge, and Leszek Demkowicz

pp. 979-1004

Optimality of Multilevel Preconditioners for Local Mesh Refinement in Three Dimensions

Burak Aksoylu and Michael Holst

pp. 1005-1025

On the Evaluation of Highly Oscillatory Integrals by Analytic Continuation

Daan Huybrechs and Stefan Vandewalle

pp. 1026-1048

Fully Discrete Finite Element Approximations of the Navier--Stokes--Cahn-Hilliard Diffuse Interface Model for Two-Phase Fluid Flows

Xiaobing Feng

pp. 1049-1072

Fast Reconstruction Methods for Bandlimited Functions from Periodic Nonuniform Sampling

Thomas Strohmer and Jared Tanner

pp. 1073-1094

C1 Interpolatory Subdivision with Shape Constraints for Curves

Tom Lyche and Jean-Louis Merrien

pp. 1095-1121

Asymptotic Expansions and Richardson Extrapolation of Approximate Solutions for Second Order Elliptic Problems on Rectangular Domains by Mixed Finite Element Methods

Graeme Fairweather, Qun Lin, Yanping Lin, Junping Wang, and Shuhua Zhang

pp. 1122-1149

Subgrid Upscaling and Mixed Multiscale Finite Elements

Todd Arbogast and Kirsten J. Boyd

pp. 1150-1171

Semi-implicit Euler Scheme for Generalized Newtonian Fluids

Lars Diening, Andreas Prohl, and Michael Růžička

pp. 1172-1190

Perfectly Matched Layers for Time-Harmonic Acoustics in the Presence of a Uniform Flow

E. Bécache, A. S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, and G. Legendre

pp. 1191-1217

Finite Element Approximation of Soluble Surfactant Spreading on a Thin Film

John W. Barrett, Robert Nürnberg, and Mark R. E. Warner

pp. 1218-1247

Continuous Interior Penalty Finite Element Method for Oseen's Equations

Erik Burman, Miguel A. Fernández, and Peter Hansbo

pp. 1248-1274

Preconditioners for Generalized Saddle-Point Problems

Chris Siefert and Eric de Sturler

pp. 1275-1296

Stability Properties of the Perona--Malik Scheme

Selim Esedoglu

pp. 1297-1313

Matrix-free Interpolation on the Sphere

M. Ganesh and H. N. Mhaskar

pp. 1314-1331

A Spectral Order Method for Inverting Sectorial Laplace Transforms

María López-Fernández, César Palencia, and Achim Schädle

pp. 1332-1350